Friday, November 21, 2014

You are beautiful!

 I love feeling beautiful<3 every girl needs to feel this way no matter what! We go through so many changes in our life that sometimes we forget about ourselves! well im here to tell you that the #1 rule is TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF ! Do what ever makes you feel beautiful. When i first became a mother i still still kept my same routine i was still feeling like myself but as soon as my second kid came along, i totally forgot who i was! i started gaining a lot weight, i was always in sweats or pjs with nothing to do. i would never go shopping or do my makeup! I needed a change asap! Look at me now,,i manage to get up in the morning get ready, i work full time, i always make time for myself and i'm feeling like....ME again! it gets better girls, so no matter what don't ever put yourself down! do what you love and don't let any change in your life change you! FEEL BEAUTIFUL!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Therapy 101

 Do you need help with your relationship? motherly advice? family advice ? work advice ? school ? life!? well you've come to the right place. I'm here to answer all your questions :) i promise to help you as much as i can. i love giving advice.